So lately there have been lots of great pics circulating the net, of wonderful children with Down Syndrome. Stating some powerful statments. Here is Kayde's to all of you:
No Prenatal Test could have ever changed me choosing life for my son.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Lips closed!!!!
I just love this pic of you, but more importantly we have worked from day 1 to keep that tongue in and lips closed and LOOK you are playing around in your saucer and lips are closed. Way to go buddy, I am seeing less and less of that tongue unless I stick mine out at you first. XoXo's
Trisomy 21 Speech
I can't say enough how well Dr. Crocker summed up so eloquently how I feel. This is the BEST BEST BEST video and NEEDS to be watched by EVERYONE!!!!!
Monday, June 25, 2012
A Special Bug Indeed!!!

This is so cool, This book was given to you from Tell!!! The women who wrote this book is from Cobourg which is the next town over, she wrote this book for her lil boy who also has Down Syndrome. It is a great book about inclusion. It is also so wonderful because as far as mommy has found there are not alot of children's books about Down Syndrome.A few but not enough, I wish there were more. This book is a new addition to our nightly reads and will continue to be for a long time!!!!
Here's the article from our local paper:

COBOURG - Bryar Rogers had one purpose for writing a book about her son Tanner, who has Down Syndrome.
"Just because they're different doesn't mean they don't have something positive to share," Rogers says.
"In our own little way, we're all different."
Rogers, who grew up in Cobourg, is a first-time author who has written a children's book called A Special Bug Indeed about five-year-old son Tanner.
Rogers and her husband Jason live in Oceanside, California with their son.
She and Tanner have been waiting to return to California, but spoke last week withNorthumberland Todayabout her book, which came out in January.
During her pregnancy, Rogers was given a test for Down Syndrome which came back positive. But because there are often false positives, further tests were done which came back negative.
The couple refused to have one final test which would either confirm or deny the child's health. During that test a needle is injected into the womb, and is a potential threat to the baby's health.
"There was a one-in-200 chance something could happen to him with the needle and one in 300 chance that he had Down Syndrome," Rogers says.
Tanner was born at 4 a.m. on January 23, 2005 and shortly after, it was confirmed he had Down Syndrome.
Though Rogers knew a little about Down Syndrome from working special needs children during her co-op placement as a Cobourg District Collegiate Institute West student years ago, it was a life-changing experience for the couple.
"There are many levels of severity," she says. "There are huge health risks, and, in certain cases, the child has a hole in their heart."
From the moment Tanner was born, the couple's biggest fear was that other children would make fun of their son.
"We're going to give him as much confidence as we can, but are kids going to tease him or bully him because he's different?" she recalls thinking.
Rogers says she started putting her thought about the book to paper when her son was two years old.
"If there was something I could do to show children that everybody is different on a certain level... and maybe you're missing something if you don't give them a chance," she says.
The name of the book was simple, she says.
"When Tanner was born he looked like a little bug to me and I always called him my bug.
"I didn't want it to be a person," she says of the main character in the book. "I wanted it to be something fun and creative."
The 41-page colour book is about a family of bugs and their discovery that the mother bug is pregnant. When TJ is born they learn he's "different from the rest."
The book chronicles the adventures of TJ in school and how he is a little behind in learning at school, but how one day when he hears a song on the radio he starts dancing.
Although he can't join the school band, TJ helps out by setting up the equipment every time they play.
"Valued by these musicians TJ's confidence soon grew," the story goes. "He was acknowledged and admired as a member of their crew."
When a saxophone player in the band comes down with chicken pox, TJ steps in and amazes the audience and his family.
"TJ's talents weren't expected as others had judged his special needs," the book concludes. "But once he had the chance he proved he was a special bug indeed."
Rogers says she hopes people enjoy reading the book, adding it was fun for her to write.
A Special Bug Indeed was illustrated by Craig Twigg, who works in Toronto but is from Cobourg.
"I want kids to be aware of kids with special needs and not pre-judge them and not give them a hard time because you don't know them," Rogers says. " You have no idea what skills and qualities they can share."
The books costs $20 and to order a copy of the book, go to www.publishamerica.comand go to Online bookstore and search for the title.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
A Funny Night With Your Lil Cousin
Lol I will let the pics tell the story, but this was your first time having someone smaller then you around.....
I will be good with her...
Uhmm what does she have??
So this is what she does with it...
I didn't do anything mommy.. ( soother no where in sight )
Uhmm wonder if mom's looking now???
Oh my peanut you are definitely a funny boy there's never gonna be a dull moment with you I can tell..xoxo's
I will be good with her...
Uhmm what does she have??
So this is what she does with it...
Uhmm wonder if mom's looking now???
21 New Awesome Things About Kayde
Oh my, how do I choose as you are truly becoming your own little self, coming out with news all the time now. :) in no random order here's your new awesomeness!!!!!!!
1. Is 16 1/2 months old ( 14 months adjusted) is 20lbs which puts him in the 50%.:)
2. Has Hypothyroidism, since on medication is now in the 25% for growth.
3. Says Da Da but really means ma
4. Has 4 teeth, bottom and top fronts, and oh yes they are very sharp.
5. Waves hi and bye- bye!!
6. Sign's "Ma Ma" but never when I ask. :)
7. Eats anything and everything.
8. Has the sweetest lil giggle especially if you tickle that right
9. Loves to lock and pull on his big sister curls any chance he gets!!
10. Ya!! Fits in size 2 shoes, my lil foot..
11. Sign's "more"
12. Is a little fish loves the water!
13. Sleeps on his belly
14. Loves to bang and be loud, don't blame him he's gotta be heard over his sister & brother
15. Shakes head No No No!!!
16. Say's Ba Ba
17. Loves to play peek-a-boo!!
18. Is a little dancer, wonder where he get that from
19. Patty cake is one of his favorite games
20. Gives kiss
21. The newest of all is to sit and spin and try to scoot on your bum...:) Love it! Love it! Love it! Get ready...Set...Soon I gonna have a mover and I can't wait!!!!
1. Is 16 1/2 months old ( 14 months adjusted) is 20lbs which puts him in the 50%.:)
2. Has Hypothyroidism, since on medication is now in the 25% for growth.
3. Says Da Da but really means ma
4. Has 4 teeth, bottom and top fronts, and oh yes they are very sharp.
5. Waves hi and bye- bye!!
6. Sign's "Ma Ma" but never when I ask. :)
7. Eats anything and everything.
8. Has the sweetest lil giggle especially if you tickle that right
9. Loves to lock and pull on his big sister curls any chance he gets!!
10. Ya!! Fits in size 2 shoes, my lil foot..
11. Sign's "more"
12. Is a little fish loves the water!
13. Sleeps on his belly
14. Loves to bang and be loud, don't blame him he's gotta be heard over his sister & brother
15. Shakes head No No No!!!
16. Say's Ba Ba
17. Loves to play peek-a-boo!!
18. Is a little dancer, wonder where he get that from
19. Patty cake is one of his favorite games
20. Gives kiss
21. The newest of all is to sit and spin and try to scoot on your bum...:) Love it! Love it! Love it! Get ready...Set...Soon I gonna have a mover and I can't wait!!!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
A May Day @ The Park
May Photo Sweetness!!!!
Big boy now!! Checking out the swing!!!
Momma bear and her 2 lil cubs <3
Most fav of the day, looking so grown up here!
Yep I think I like this
Big boy now!! Checking out the swing!!!
Momma bear and her 2 lil cubs <3
Most fav of the day, looking so grown up here!
Yep I think I like this
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