Monday, February 11, 2013

Flooded With More Then I Knew What To Do With!!!

Dear Peanut,

 Every milestone, together we work and check them off one by one. On your own time of course!! Every milestone has been cherished and celebrated, so very sweet and so worth the wait and the work.  On Jan 8th @ 23m you pulled to stand for the 1st time!!! Out of no where!! Surprised, Ecstatic, Proud beyond proud are just a few of the emotions that came with this milestone. Oh Peanut!!! I will never stop telling you what an amazing boy you are. There is not a day that goes by that I don't know that whatever we set out to do and learn together we WILL do it. The sky is our limit and I mean that more then you may ever know. It is because of you I know that and believe that.  

This milestone was different then all the rest for mommy for so many reason. I was flooded with more emotion then I really knew what to do with. It caught me so off guard, this is something we have worked so very hard for. It is a day I have waited for,for both of us. I always knew we would get here, I never doubted that or you. What I didn't know was the emotional ride I was in for. Mommy made a promise to you in the first few weeks of your life.( I made lots of promises to you those weeks) but in this case that promise was not to compare you. No chart or piece of paper with milestones could every tell me who or what you are going to do or be. I have always felt very proud of myself as I threw out those milestone charts, and have never put to much thought into them since. (Or at least I thought). Each milestone along the way has happened when it should have happened. On your time and when you were ready for them to happen.You are amazing .

 Mommy was so over filled with happiness,joy, pride tears poured from my eyes as I hugged you and cried and broke down right there on the floor. I couldn't stop crying, I couldn't catch my breathe peanut, I was SOOOOOO proud, but I also sat there and cried because at that moment I really broke my promise to you. I cried and I cried because you have worked so hard to get there and selfishly, I compared you for that moment. I am sorry peanut, I was overwhelmed realizing you worked 13m longer to achieve this milestone. With that know I wouldn't have it any other way, that day I screamed it to the roof top and beyond of my pride in you. When you get older you will be able to tease mommy as I was flooded with so much pride about you standing that for a week afterwards I cried every time I seen you do it or told anyone about you doing it. :) Most of all peanut my emotions came from, your world just opened up to a whole new level of exploring, a level I know you have been ready for a long time ago. You have learned so much from your big sis and the thought of you on your way to chasing her around makes me ecstatic!! I am excited to watch you grow and gain all the new skills that come with standing. Way to Go Peanut!!!

 Yes, I also know this is just the beginning of milestones that will catch me off guard and send me spinning with my emotions. Kayde Corey Sanders-Grant I can not tell you how I look forward to those days of celebration and spinning emotions. I love you to Pluto and back!!!

Love: Mommy

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