Thursday, September 29, 2011

Was not ready for what was about to happen...

      Like every Sat. morning we were up an out the door bright an early for my son's hockey. An like every hockey morning my daughter the sleeping beauty she is, is not impressed about being pulled out of bed. An by the time hockey is over she is good and ready to come home an climb right back in bed. An nothing was different about this Sat morning to any other...Except sec after laying her down I started to gush blood again. All my fears of losing my baby boy returned times 10, how and why am i bleeding this time.??? Rushed to my local hospital an thank goodness for my sister by my side. Test, exsamination, U/S, nothing showing why I am bleeding. While upstairs in labour & delivery having a Non-stress test I start to contract. When I think back to it I guess i realized i was contracting before that an was in denial. Things got crazy from here as our hospital is only a level 1, contractions were getting closer together I need the Steriod shot to devlop my sons lungs in case he was to come an most of all they needed to get me to a hospital that could care for me an my 29 week gest son. It seemed like years but finally the ambulance was ready an they had a hospital an a team waiting for me there. I was being transferd to hospital an hour an a bit from where we live. Scared an shaking I remember my sis kissing my forehead telling me its gonna be alright an she would be right behind the ambulance.

When arriving I was bombarded with handfulls of dr. Explaining everything that might an would happen if i was to deliver. To be honest alot of that day an night are a blurr. Late that night everything seemed to settle an I got moved into a room. Where I was told to get use to cuz I was there at least 7 weeks until I was far enough along an could deliver at my own hosptial.  Again all I can say I wouldn't have gotten through it without my sis by myside.

I remember wanting to get out of bed an run home to my kids, I was so upset an lost an heartbroken with out my kids. Yes I know I needed to be there for Kayde but it didn't make being away from my other two any easier. I sat in my room an cried all day, I sat in my window an cried the week away. Thought to myself how am i going to do this for 7 weeks. Thanks to my Auntie who sent new pics up of them an to my sis for bringing one my daughters blankets up for me to cuddle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You made me you cuz............candi