Friday, November 1, 2013

Down Syndrome Awareness Week- Day 1: " Keep Calm It's Only An Extra Chromosome"

" Keep Calm it's only an extra chromosome"

Don't get me wrong I didn't always feel this way, and wish I would have realized this way sooner then I did. I would have spent less time worrying and just enjoying my Peanut as he was.  Because in reality it is just that, an extra chromosome that is in  no way is going to define my son with who he is. what he looks like and what he can do!
I bought this sweater as this saying as always brought to mind  a nurse  we had at Sunnybrook NICU Pod D.  It was a couple days after I  had received Kaydes dx. I was sitting in the cafeteria with  a big folder of info on Down Syndrome that the Social Worker had given me. I remember sitting there almost not able to read due to tears pouring from my face as I read the list of things that could be wrong with my boy, the list of  characteristics my son may have and so on. I remember  trying to take control of my emotions wiping away the tears and as  I looked up there was a nurse sitting  a bit away but in my view who had obviously been watching me, when our eyes met she gave me this big warm smile that read it will be OK you will see. I was so strangely comforted by her smile.

 A few days later upon entering Peanuts room there she was she was Peanuts nurse! The nurse with the warm smile had a name, Her name was Susan. We sat and we talked I remember her telling me:

"Life will be so much more then what all the info says remember he is your baby first and always will be."   

" If you have a fish and it's in a little bowl what will that  fish see,explore and learn?" 

" Don't limit Peanut or let anyone limit him and he will succeed in anything."

" Let the sky be his limit" 

  She probably doesn't realize it but those words have stuck with me and they changed me.  It's the 1st positive thing I remember anyone saying to me about Down Syndrome. Those words were the start of light in those confusing overwhelming days for me.  It was the start of me keeping calm and realizing it's only an extra chromosome!

To  Nurse Susan:

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your words, they made such a difference to me. Thank you for being there with Peanut when he was transferred to Oshawa too, knowing it was you with him made me know he was in good hands until I could get there. I know you were always just being you and doing your job but I wish you could know the impression you left on me. 

Thank you,  Peanut's mom 

P.S......Ever wonder where Kayde got his nickname "Peanut" it was Susan :)

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