Tuesday, October 18, 2011

31 for 21: Day 16: From My Sister

Today is gonna be some posts from my sister that she has put up has her facebook status, in  helping raise awareness for 31 for 21. I thank my sister for  embracing our new journey an being there supporting me 1000 %.

- I am the proud aunt of someone with Down Syndrome and I would not change that for anything in the world!

- In the face of something terrible, I was shown what life is really about. Thank-you Down Syndrome.

-  Meiosis is the name used to describe the cell division that the egg and sperm go through when they are developing. Normally, meiosis causes a halving of chromosome material, so that each parent gives 23 chromosomes to a pregnancy.The result is an egg or sperm with only 23 chromosomes. When fertiliz...ation occurs, the normal 46 total number of chromosomes results. If meiosis does not occur properly, an egg or sperm could end up with too many chromosomes, or not enough chromosomes. Upon fertilization, the baby could then receive an extra chromosome (called a trisomy), or have a missing chromosome (called a monosomy)

- Personaly the one thing Down Syndrome has taught me so far is : that little things are big

- I thought I would never notice that my nephew had Down Syndrome. I have now had 7 months for it to sit in my head. And I still don't look at him and think he has Down Syndrome. But I know in my head and heart it is there. I look in his face and see him looking in mine.

- I read an article the other day about a girl who has down syndrome and she said "I don't think of it as Down Syndrome I think of it as UP Syndrome"

- Down syndrome is extra special to me.

-My sister has a sory everyone listen !

The aim of this day is to raise awareness and understanding of a condition which affects approximately 1 in 800 births worldwide, and to promote the inherent rights of persons with Down syndrome to enjoy full and dignified lives and be active participants in their communities and society. Activities and events which take place on this day typically showcase the abilities and accomplishments of per...sons with Down syndrome and encourage independence, self-advocacy and freedom for persons with Down syndrome to make their own choices. I borrowed this from a link my sister posted, but in a nutshell it's what I hope most for my nephew. I will help him over come and become what most of us take for granted. Being a part of the comminity and society! GRADE KAYDE :)
- My sister is a mother to a child with Down Syndrome and I am so prou of her
-Researchers are making great strides in identifying the genes on Chromosome 21 that cause the characteristics of Down syndrome. Many feel strongly that it will be possible to improve, correct or prevent many of the problems associated with Down syndrome in the future.
-Quality educational programs, a stimulating home environment, good health care, and positive support from family, friends and the community enable people with Down syndrome to develop their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.
Dosen't sound any different than what we all need to lead fulfiling lives don't you think?

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