Monday, October 3, 2011

31 for 21: Day 3 - Kayde's Kissing Hand!!!

That sweet lil left hand and it's Palmar crease is my kissing hand!!!!!
"Palmar" crease (single line across palm of hand) just 1 feature of Down Syndrome.

In the early day's of Kayde only being aloud out of the incubator for short periods of time an for feedings , I spent the other time reading to him, letting him know mommy was there. I have my sister to thank for all the books for Kayde. This one being my most fav an I would like to think to myself this is Kayde and I's book alone. :). It was unbelievably tough having to leave Kayde day in an day out. When you have a baby you suppose to get to bring them home right?? Well I did 2 months after he was born. An  the book is about a lil raccoon afraid for his first day at school an his  mother comes up with a wonderful solution to help her little raccoon remember that she loves him and is thinking about him, even when she isn't with him. Though our stories our different, kissing Kayde's hand at the end of the day was my way of telling him I love him an will be thinking about him until I return in the morning. Its our lil thing. Something special we share.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

That is the sweetest thing ever! I love it.