Monday, February 6, 2012

February Thoughts

 February is here, WoW how did we get here so fast. February means Kayde's surgery is coming up. On the 16th actually @ Sick Kids. He is having his Hernia repair /Orchidopexy and to be honest I am freaking out. Thankful Kayde has had no other health issue's other then this. I know it's not a major surgery and I know its nothing to all those Lil one's and there mommas who have been through OHS.  Yes, Yous are my hero's :)

I feel like I am going crazy right now, I am so nervous an scared, I feel sick over it. I've never been through this before. Having one my children have surgery and my baby, my Lil peanut.  I'm scared of him being put under, I'm scared for him while he is under, I'm scared for him waking up from being under, I'm scared the pain he is gonna feel, Bottom line I'm damn scared about the whole thing. Yes, I know deep down he is gonna be OK and he will probably recover just fine. Kids are so resilient right??? I try to keep telling myself that but most days it doesn't help, the fear takes over...

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