Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hernia & Orchidopexy Surgery

The day has arrived it is surgery day. :( I have been up for pretty well 2 days, spring cleaning in the middle of February or maybe the nesting feeling I didn't get with Kayde arriving early..Haha Ok I'll admitt it, it was purely the mommy worry wart in me. :) Needless to say a whole lot of cleaning came out of it.

Up at 4am so that Kayde can nurse the last hr he is able to eat. Poor boy, being pulled from a good sleep to get dressed. As for the eating I planned for him to do, he was not intrested at all this was he sleeping time.I was able to get him to nurse a lil through struggling to keep him awake. I can only pray now that he sleeps till almost surgery time or I am gonna have one upset hungry boy.  Running around trying to make sure I have everything we are going to need, I feel like I am forgetting something. Double check Kayde folder and bag. Ok I think we have everything and we are off. I feel sick, dizzy and way over tired. 1st things I needed a coffee for the drive. Shortly after getting on the highway I really start to feel sick to my stomach, my nerves are taking over, hands are sweaty, heart is beating fast and I feel like I could faint. Window down need cool air, window up am to cold, window down to hot ect. that went on for the whole drive. Finally we get there. Whew we made it, what a drive.

6:30am Deep breathes and shaking we enter the hospital, to go register Kayde and head up to the pre-op waiting room. Before we make it to the waiting room I hear that sweet lil voice babbling ba ba ba and blowing raspberries, uh oh he was to stay asleep. lol yea right like that was gonna happen. We get registered and are told to have a sit a nurse would be out shortly to get us and take vitals and go over the course of the day. Not secs after sitting Kayde looks at me and gives me his tounge sucking que that means I'm hungry and the crying started. This is so hard for me not to feed him, he had to be thinking to what happened , Why mommy wont feed me. All he knows is me feeding on demand. Let me tell you how he was demanding to be fed, I tried all the toys I had brought and the musical glow worm worked for awhile but not long enough. :( It broke my heart to deny him. I would get him intrested in something for few mins an then he would remember what he wanted, whip his head around start rooting and the tears flowing.
8 am  finally Kayde is called. We met with the nurse and we talked few mins, she went over how the day would play out. She checked Kayde vitals, weighed him 16lbs 8oz. We changed Kayde into his gown, (how cute baby hospital gowns...:) and were told to go sit in another part the waiting room where we would meet the surgical team and the surgen for them to answer any last questions or concerns we may have.
   My heart races, I feel a lump in my throat and my eyes are watering. I close my eyes and start taking deep breathes. I'm thinking to myself I don't want him to go. I wanna run out of here with him. Before I knew it the surgical team was standing in front of us, interducing themselves. We go over a few things and then are asked to come with them to a different waiting room where we will wait till he is out of surgery. Daddy and I walked very slowly behind the team as we knew when we hit the end the hallway they were gonna take him from us..:( Tears running down my face as I kiss his sweet lil cheeks and promise him he is gonna be ok, and I will be waiting for him and the sec he is awake mommy will be by his side. Daddy hugging and kissing him the nurses ask for him but daddy wont give him up. :( Few more kiss's and I see Daddy's shaking hands pass him over, I feel like my heart is being torn out of me as she walks through the OR doors with my baby. We stand there crying and holding onto each other with everything we have, crying and crying, this is so scarey for us. Our baby. Time seemed to freeze and it felt like it would never be 11am. That is when they expected Kayde to be out of surgery and in recovery.

 11am. He is out and surgery went great, no complications and him waking up in recovery is going well too. I felt the greatest releif the sec I layed eyes on my baby, he is ok. I got a semmi half sweetest smile ever. Before I knew it he was awake and rooting. We spent an hr in recovery then headed up to our room.

Up in Kayde's room we were greeted by Irina who would be his nurse for the day. She got us all settled and re-checked Kayde's vitals. Everything is good. She brought us some blankets told us to get some rest while Kayde is still sleepy, she said she would be back every hr to check on him, and at 3pm he would get more pain meds. 

Daddy took you out of bed secs after the nurse left it was time for his cuddles. 
7pm- YaaaYYY!!! We are going home early!!!! I am so proud of my lil boy, he is my lil hero from day one. I did all that worrying for you to come out and show me you were just fine but hey thats my job. I will always worry and I know deep down you will always prove me wrong :) Thank You for that. Thank you all the wonderful people @ SICK KIDS, you are all truely amazing at your jobs.  

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