Friday, February 24, 2012

Its Your Birthday!!!!

To Kayde:
A Year ago at this time, I was meeting you for the 1st time, 8 hrs after I had you. You were the most tiny perfect little thing that ever could be. :) I have always said you were my little HERO, and little did I know then what a HERO you would be. We started our journey a little different then I had expected, it was scary, very emotional, and full of unknown,but always full of prue love ...for you. A year into our journey and I can't tell you how happy I am you choose me to walk this path with you.We have had our ups and downs and through it all you have came out on top. You have taught me more in a year then some learn in a life time. You are truley GRAND KAYDE like Auntie Meg says. :) A very Special HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY Peanut!!!!! Mommy ♥'s you to pluto and back.
                        Day 1 of life    &      Day 365 of life
My mommy sure is excited about something this I will be too!!!

I'm still tired and not quite awake yet mommy

but ok mommy if it's that exciting
uhmm is she gonna act like this all day.....:)
oh yes I was and I did here is what we did next:
We got a good snow fall today and mommy went out and wrote in the snow for you!!!!!!

And last but not least we had a min photo shoot with Auntie pam. I must say you are the sweetest lil birthday dragon I have ever seen...

1 comment:

ds.mama said...

Happy birthday beautiful boy! What a handsome dragon... instead of blowing out your candles, you can blow up your whole cake!!!