Saturday, October 20, 2012

31 For 21: Day 18- Homemade

 From you were a baby I started making you, our own flash cards.  It started with black and white designs, then ones with red, then on to actual pictures of things. Now we are onto Sign Language ones. You are picking up sign's like crazy!!!! Mommy likes to think she knows lots of sign's but I found myself referring back to the baby sign book I had all the time looking for different sign's. Then mommy got an idea... what if I rip apart the book and make the pages into flash cards for us!!!! It was a great idea I found a few more older books that already had ripped pages in them for the picture to use on our flash cards. Now all mommy needed was time alone to do it all. Well mommy finished the important ones for now, for us to use. It was such a great idea and we are now getting so much more use out of this book and it is so much easier to find and practice signing with you.

 Kissing the ducks
 Hugging the ducks

 Big sis loves to sign too!!!

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